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Category: Hoof News

Till mina kära kunder i Sverige

Den 1 maj 2023 flyttar mitt företag till Norge! Fakturorna kommer fortfarande att vara i SEK, med den lilla skillnaden att nettopriset nu är bruttopriset. Så inga förändringar på banköverföringen från er. Och oroa er inte, jag kommer inte att lämna er i sticket utan kommer att fortsätta besöka...

How to properly tie a rope halter

Rope halters are very popular and come in tens of thousands of styles – some with strange intentions. Unfortunately, many use these rope halters without thinking why. Here are four things that can be good to know about rope halters: Most rope halters do not fit the horse properly!If...

club foot

Today I got a question on the subject of the club foot: “Hello, my horse has not received enough suitable minerals and has developed a club foot. Has switching to barefoot a good effect?” Well, there are horses that are born with a club foot. That is very rare...

11 years HOVAKUTEN!

And so many more years of strong hoof interest! Today my small company is celebrating its 11th birthday with a cake and, of course: with hooves!Thank you to all my customers – and especially to Jochen Biernat from the German Institute for Hoof Orthopedics (DIfHO), who gave me the...

So what? Every four weeks hoof care?

Unfortunately, I hear it over and over again – and especially on horses, where the hooves are very mismanaged. There are many factors that determine the rhythm of barefoot trimming, but here are two very important points of view: 1.) Balance: It is crucial how forces act on the...


Options and adjustability are the theme of EasyCare’s next line of hoof boots. By Garrett Ford By Garrett Ford, President of EasyCare Inc. I had a friend reach out and ask if we have anything in the works for new hoof boots. He was impressed with the new EasyShoe Flex...

Hoof Wall Separation and White Line Disease

In the past, a broad spectrum of bacteria, fungi, yeasts, etc. were blamed – BUT White Line Disesase is not a disease at all. If a hoof will overgrow, the hoof wall begin to separate from the coffin bone. As the hoof wall flares away, fungi find a perfect...


In dieser anstrengenden Zeit mit dem Coronavirus möchte ich mich so gut wie möglich um die Hufe ihrer Pferde kümmern. Die richtige Hufpflege ist für einen guten Tierschutz von entscheidender Bedeutung. Um meine Arbeit sicher zu erledigen, bitte ich die Pferdebesitzer, so gut sie können mit zu helfen. Sprechen...


Only 6 weeks in between those images of a front hoof. This horse suffered too long by a former laminitis and false work of various veterinarians and farriers. My opinion is that such long walls are triggering laminitis and founder. Now he’s able to be ridden again, which is...

long period bad shoeing

Long time shoeing and wrong angles reduced the blood circulation in his feets. He performed quite well, but his hoofes were growing very slowly – only 3mm a month, and in poor quality. Finally, even small successes accumulate to a big step forward: The hoof wall has become stronger...