Hoof Wall Separation and White Line Disease
In the past, a broad spectrum of bacteria, fungi, yeasts, etc. were blamed – BUT White Line Disesase is not a disease at all. If a hoof will overgrow, the hoof wall begin to separate from the coffin bone. As the hoof wall flares away, fungi find a perfect...
long period bad shoeing
Long time shoeing and wrong angles reduced the blood circulation in his feets. He performed quite well, but his hoofes were growing very slowly – only 3mm a month, and in poor quality. Finally, even small successes accumulate to a big step forward: The hoof wall has become stronger...
hyperextension of the deep flexor tendon
If the hoofs have become too long, it is quite painful to roll over. Then the hooves become more torn on the back parts instead of the toe – the beginning of a vicious circle with reduced mobility and overstretching of the deep flexor tendon. Much better positioning by...